Wednesday, November 26, 2008

My mom just sent me an email telling me to update my blog! I guess that means I've been neglecting this little place here! I've had my hands full - beyond my regular busy schedule, I'm now putting together Christmas cards galore for everyone out there (yet haven't managed to figure out what it is I'm doing for mine, go figure!), trying to plan a wedding, Christmas shopping, HOUSE shopping (yay!), and trying to keep a personal life somewhere amongst the madness!

Oh well, no more excuses! Here are a few from one of my most recent sessions - who can resist a sweet little newborn? I'll be back with more soon!

This is for you, mom! (and this cute little guy's parents, of course)


S.Kremer said...
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S.Kremer said...

Awww, so cute! And thanks "Mom" for buggin' Kari for the update - I've been waiting for one too....:)

About Me said...

Finally.....! ;o)))