Friday, April 18, 2008

Workshop! UPDATE*** Sold Out! If you missed this one and are interested in another one down the road, make sure you let me know. If there's enough interest, I might consider doing another workshop. Thanks!

I recently had a group of people contact me asking for help with improving their photography, mentoring, and general advice. I've had lots of requests to do a workshop, but just hadn't really considered doing one, since I don't consider myself a fabulous speaker by any means. Then they reminded me that I don't need to do a whole lot of speaking if I can answer questions, and show them hands on. So they talked me into it! On June 7th I'll be holding my first ever workshop! I had kept it open to those who requested it first to give them time to register, but now it's open to everyone! There were 10 spots available, and there are 5 left, so if you're interested, don't wait or it'll be full. Here are the details so far, and the registration. I am looking forward to it!

I am also going to need some models for the workshop. See the details in the previous post.

1 comment:

Barb Ray said...

Kari - I left a message on the post showing all of the cool shots from the day, but wanted to leave one here too...I'm really hoping you decide to do another workshop since I was out of town during the last one! I can be reached at Thanks! ~Barb